"There is nothing wrong with you."

"Your past doesn't define you so don't hold onto it."


If you are in search of a life changing journey, you've come to the right place. Follow our content diligently and we guarantee that we'll be able to uplift your spirit and turn your frown upside down.

We are available on a variety of different platforms so that we leave no soul untouched. Whether its depression, insecurity, bullying or anything that makes you question yourself, its time to throw away the pity box and inspire yourself towards greatness. 

"The secret of your greatness lies within you."

"The greatest form of self harm is self doubt."



Self love is one of the most fulfilling things that one can ever feel during their life. It is the one force that seems to keep our negative internal critic at bay. Unfortunately, when life hits us hard, it become terribly difficult to keep a compassionate outlook towards our own selves. And that is when those nasty inner voices...

Life really does take an emotional toll on us at times. A couple of problematic scenarios is all that is needed to send us spiraling into a state of negativity. At times like these, you need to force yourself to stay balanced and relaxed. And in order to do that...here are some suggestions from Team Mai Kam Nahi.

Team Mai Kam Nahi collaborated with Beaconhouse National University in Lahore to conduct a special motivational activity, that was aimed at boosting the morale of students and inspire within them, a dramatic sense of self confidence.

Team Mai Kam Nahi collaborated with the volunteer organization named Alms 360, to organize a food drive for the needy as a part of their commitment to community welfare. As a part of the activity, team members from both groups distributed food items to the poor near Main Market, Gulberg.

Pilgrim Pete - 401 Lake St, Sitka, AK 99835
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